Thursday 22 April 2021

OrthoTrain - The Voyage Since 2005

"Orthotrain - Comprehensive  Course  In  Fixed  Orthodontics   

For  The General  Practitioner" 

  • Multiple Modules  

  • Clinically Oriented 

  • Since 2005

  1. First Module     4 Days
  2. Second Module 2 Days
  3. Third Module    2 Days
  4. Fourth Module  2 Days
  5.      Total           10 Days

  • Start Cases In Your Practice After The First Module Itself 
  • Learn the most correct and ethical way to manage Orthodontic Cases 
  • Simplified Clinical Approach 
  • More Than 40 Batches already conducted   
  • At Mumbai, Bhubaneshwar, Ranchi, Nashik, Mizorum 
  • Participants from all over the world including the Middle East, Australia, Nigeria, Bangladesh 
  • No prior knowledge or reading needed 


1. Can a general dentist or non-orthodontic speciality practice Orthodontics?

 Ans. A Dental Surgeon can however practice all branches of Dentistry provided he shows  adequate qualification, competence and bona fide training in the concerned branch or branches. (8.3.3) Revised Dentists (Code of Ethics) Regulations, 2014 DCI.

The DCI is the ruling legal authority regarding the practice of dentistry in India.

2. When was OrthoTrain started?

Ans. OrthoTrain has been regularly conducting its multi-module courses since the year 2005. It has successfully completed more than 40 batches in Mumbai, Bhubaneshwar, Ranchi, Nashik, Mizoram as of 2021.

3. Is this a Diploma or Fellowship Course?

Ans. No. 

This is only a skill enhancement program for clinicians in general practice. Orthotrain is not a degree or a diploma or any DCI recognised course. 

A participant cannot write Orthodontist on his/her visiting card after doing the course.

A participant cannot get the job of an orthodontist after doing the course.

4. Will I be able to do all orthodontic cases after doing OrthoTrain?

Ans. NO. Very complex cases, Surgical cases, Syndromic patients, Cleft cases, etc must not be attempted by the Orthotrainee. The difficult cases must be referred to the competent Orthodontist.

5. Can I do OrthoTrain online?

Ans. No. Lots of hands-on activities like cephalogram tracing, model and X-ray analysis, bonding on models, typodont exercises, live patients, micro-implants on sheep jaws, indirect bonding, banding on typodonts, etc. are done within the structured program - Hence online is not possible.

6. Do I need to prepare or study anything before the course?

Ans. The course is quite comprehensive and it starts with the basics like terminology, classification, etc. All clinically relevant topics will be covered in detail in this program. Additional home assignments and reading materials will be provided. There is no strict requirement of pre-course reading.

7. What materials and equipment will be I need to bring to the course?

Ans. All the material and equipment for all the various hands-on activities and live patients will be provided in the course itself. You need to come with an open mind. All you need to bring is your clinical apron, N95s and PPEs.

No need for any laptops or any accessories.

8. What about my lunch ?

Ans. Hospitality will be well taken care of in OrthoTrain.

Morning tea/coffee with breakfast, Lunch, High tea with snacks are all a part of the course and will be provided for. 

Any specific requirements like Jain or Fasting food can be arranged if informed on time. Food will be strictly vegetarian at the Mumbai and Nashik venues.

9. What happens if I miss a day or a module ?

Ans. First module of 4 days must be attended first. If a participant misses any subsequent module or any day, he/she can attend the same with any subsequent batch at no extra charges.

Any participant can repeat any module at any time complimentary.

10. Will I be confident enough to start orthodontics in my practice? Orthodontic Post graduation is of 3 years and in this course the number of days is so limited !!!

Ans. This is a very common question - Orthotrain has been successfully conducting courses since Feb. 2005. Lots of general dentists and specialists who have done OrthoTrain are all doing orthodontic cases in their practices successfully. There are Orthotrainees who have published orthodontic cases, presented on orthodontic subjects at conferences. Many have referred their spouses who too have done OrthoTrain as the number of cases have increased in their practices. Many have referred their siblings who are dentists to do the course.  Several Orthotrainees have treated their own children themselves. All this is testimony to the success of OrthoTrain as a course and the systematised training process developed and constantly modified by Dr. Akshay Rathi since 2005.




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